PacFIN Brief for 1986

[Complete 1986 PSMFC Annual Report (pdf)]

Pacific Fishery Information Network: The Pacific Fishery Information Network, or "PacFIN," is a coastwide data system which provides timely marine fish landings data to State, Council, and Federal fishery managers and the fishing industry. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) provides funds to PMFC, and in turn PMFC funds and coordinates the operations of the Pacific Coast Fisheries DataCommittee, employs the PacFIN Data Manager and provides contracts to the States to improve the timeliness and quality of fishery data. In 1986, this regional fishery data improvement program continued to provide monthly groundfish catch statistics and reports for use by the Pacific and North Pacific Councils in monitoring and managing the fisheries.

The PacFIN operation also:

a. commenced incorporation of a coastwide historical salmon landings data base into the PacFIN system

b. enhanced the Quota Species Monitoring data base which produces the Pacific Council's best estimate report for groundfish

c. continued work on the merger of the PMFC Groundfish Data Series into the PacFIN system

d. filled requests for many special reports from the industry and agencies