PacFIN Brief for 1996

[Complete 1996 PSMFC Annual Report (328 KB pdf)]

In the early part of 1996, software development, testing, and checkout continued on the summarization portion of the central processing system. This major aspect of the central processing system was completed in March and allows PacFIN clients to once again retrieve summarized fishery statistics that reflect the best estimated area-of-catch and rockfish species break-out. With the completion of the conversion of this major subsystem, the PacFIN central processing system was once again able to process all data source contributions and incorporate that data into the central database.

During 1996 the operations part of the PacFIN Office processed 127 datafeeds from the nine PacFIN data sources: WDFW, ODFW, CDFG, NMFS/AFSC, NMFS/NWR, ADFG, NMFS/AKR, USCG, and DFO, Canada. In addition to incorporating new data in the central database the PacFIN Office also responded to 253 requests-for-information during 1996.

During May a subset of the standard PacFIN reports was developed and made available to the PacFIN community via the PSMFC Internet home page. These reports include information about the PFMC and NPFMC fisheries. These reports from the PacFIN database are freshed at least monthly. During the last six months of 1996 there were a total of 4,815 “visits” to the PacFIN part of the PSMFC home page, which is an average of 803 visits per month.

A report for the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, requested by NMFS/AFSC/REFM, was developed. This report includes annual totals by catch-area of landed-catch of the major groundfish species harvested in United States (EEZ) waters. This report incorporates statistics provided by data sources: ADFG, NMFS/AKR, WDFW, ODFW, CDFG, and NMFS/AFSC. These reports are available for 1995 back through 1981.

A number of training sessions and workshops were conducted during 1996. Training sessions for WDFW staff were held in March and April, a general PacFIN seminar/workshop was conducted in February in Newport, Oregon for NMFS/NWFSC and ODFW staff, and a specific workshop that focused on W-O-C rockfish was held in September.

In July a document titled: "A Description of the Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN) 1981-1996" was completed. This is, to date, the most comprehensive document to describe the PacFIN system.

In September, the conversion of the Build Vessel Summaries (bld_vsums) subsystem was completed. This subsystem is used extensively by fishery economists and other investigators needing historical data for various segments of the West Coast commercial fleet. There are now 16 years (81-96) in this summarized data series and fishery investigators once again have the full capabilities of this PacFIN subsystem available to them.

Also in September, staff of the NMFS/NWR and the PFMC requested that the PacFIN Office develop software to aid them in their analysis of the pending PFMC Sablefish Endorsement regulation. This project essentially developed the list of permits that would qualify for this endorsement based on the requirements developed by the PFMC.