Database columns apounds and apounds_wdfw
The apounds metric has been available for all three states since January 2005. The apounds metric is the fish-ticket-adjusted catch value for each species within each tow. CDFW and ODFW compute this fish-ticket-adjusted catch value and submit it within their logbook datafeed and it is stored in the database for each tow and species. In January 2005 the PacFIN staff implemented software to compute the simple fish-ticket-adjusted catch value for each species for each WDFW tow and store it in database column apounds. Using the data in the apounds data column will give you the best estimate of catch for each species for each tow for all WOC trips.
The data in the apounds_wdfw data item is specific to WDFW. It includes an extrapolation for trips not reported. This extrapolation is distributed across and added to each of the reported tows. Therefore the apounds_wdfw catch value is not an estimate of catch for that particular tow. Because the apounds_wdfw catch estimate is not an estimate of catch for the tow it is assigned to it is recommended that you not use this metric if your intention is to characterize catches for each species for each tow.