PacFIN 31-JUL-00 14:52 Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Limited Entry Best Estimates* of 2000 Cumulative Shoreside Commercial Landed Catch. Catch values are in Metric-tons 2000 1999 TOTALS Wash Ore Calif Total OY THRU JUN THRU DEC Dover sole 442 2800 1580 4822 8955 4773 9032 Longspine THDS 14 451 464 929 3730 901 1782 Shortspine THDS 19 184 172 375 664 417 788 TWL Sable (V&C&E&M) 72 612 319 1003 3355 1288 2780 NTW Sable (V&C&E&M) 23 6 24 53 2430 89 2313 Sablefish Conception _ _ 44 44 99 166 Lingcod 5 12 8 25 132 123 253 Widow Rockfish 72 944 212 1228 3237 2043 3857 Canary rockfish _ 10 2 12 88 313 564 POP (V&C&E) 13 31 1 45 227 130 371 Yellowtail (V&C&E) 151 490 2 643 2153 826 1751 North Near-shore RF _ 8 4 12 172 North Shelf rockfish 12 10 33 55 1133 North Slope rockfish 42 155 63 260 1490 (V&C&E) UNSP RCKFSH _ _ _ _ 209 364 Bocaccio (MT&CP) _ _ 8 8 31 19 35 Chilipepper (MT&CP) _ _ 116 116 915 351 755 Splitnose RF (MT&CP) _ _ 28 28 517 83 111 South Near-shore RF _ _ 22 22 68 South Shelf rockfish _ _ 32 32 337 South Slope rockfish _ _ 41 41 335 (MT&CP) UNSP RCKFSH _ _ 2 2 45 71 Pacific Whiting 2154 6016 3976 12146 16296 83360 *Estimates Thru 30JUN 30JUN HARD DATA THRU 12/99 6/00 3/00 Hard data for this report was extracted from PacFIN database on 28-JUL-2000. OY = Optimum Yield The OYs are commercial (LE and OA) guidelines only, the anticipated recreational catches are not included here. The OY for Pacific Whiting is the total U.S. coastwide shoreside allocation. The nontrawl (NTW) sablefish catch displayed on this report includes catches for both the limited entry and open access fisheries. The nontrawl limited- entry sablefish harvest guideline is 2430 metric tons and the open-access sablefish harvest guideline is 600 metric tons. Starting in 1995 this non-trawl sablefish catch statistic no longer includes treaty Indian catch. V&C&E = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka INPFC areas combined V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined MT&CP = Monterey and Conception INPFC areas combined.