PacFIN 05-JUL-00 08:51 Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Total Fleet Best Estimates* of 2000 Cumulative Shoreside Commercial Landed Catch. Catch values are in Metric-tons 2000 1999 TOTALS Wash Ore Calif Total OY THRU JUN THRU DEC Dover sole 430 2753 1499 4682 8955 4799 9111 Longspine THDS 13 452 464 929 3730 903 1786 Shortspine THDS 21 180 177 378 667 425 808 TWL Sable (V&C&E&M) 62 594 285 941 3355 1491 3084 NTW Sable (V&C&E&M) 25 18 50 93 3030 131 2610 Sablefish Conception _ _ 42 42 425 105 181 Lingcod 8 25 13 46 163 169 368 Widow Rockfish 71 899 215 1185 3365 2061 3907 Canary rockfish _ 9 2 11 103 354 644 POP (V&C&E) 10 33 1 44 227 226 453 Yellowtail (V&C&E) 151 344 1 496 2439 1143 2231 North Near-shore RF _ 30 11 41 365 North Shelf rockfish 11 11 33 55 1183 North Slope rockfish 39 146 59 244 1500 (V&C&E) UNSP RCKFSH _ _ _ _ 312 549 Bocaccio (MT&CP) _ _ 7 7 55 32 58 Chilipepper (MT&CP) _ _ 140 140 1781 405 871 Splitnose RF (MT&CP) _ _ 28 28 517 83 112 South Near-shore RF _ _ 14 14 301 South Shelf rockfish _ _ 33 33 595 South Slope rockfish _ _ 29 29 432 (MT&CP) UNSP RCKFSH _ _ 2 2 70 114 Pacific Whiting 1489 1248 3560 6297 83800 16296 83419 *Estimates Thru 24JUN 24JUN 24JUN HARD DATA THRU 12/99 5/00 2/00 Hard data for this report was extracted from PacFIN database on 23-JUN-2000. OY = Optimum Yield The OYs are commercial (LE and OA) guidelines only, the anticipated recreational catches are not included here. The OY for Pacific Whiting is the total U.S. coastwide shoreside allocation. The nontrawl (NTW) sablefish catch displayed on this report includes catches for both the limited entry and open access fisheries. The nontrawl limited- entry sablefish harvest guideline is 2430 metric tons and the open-access sablefish harvest guideline is 600 metric tons. Starting in 1995 this non-trawl sablefish catch statistic no longer includes treaty Indian catch. V&C&E = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka INPFC areas combined V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined MT&CP = Monterey and Conception INPFC areas combined.