Thru Date (DD-MON-YYYY): 29-Dec-2012 PacFIN 07-FEB-2013 15:05 QSM Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Total Fleet Best Estimate* for 2012 Cumulative Shoreside Landed Catch, At-Sea Total Removals and Discards for Some Species. Catch/Discard values are rounded to the nearest metric-ton (0 means < 0.5 mt) PRJCTN Non-Tribal Discard WA 2012 THRU Gear Species (Area) Wash Ore Calif Estimate Tribal AT-SEA Total HG DEC12 -------------------- ---------- ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Longspine (V&C&E&M) 46 334 399 _ 0 0 779 2020 _ Shortspine (V&C&E&M) 87 372 200 _ 18 2 678 1511 _ TWL Sable (V&C&E&M) 113 887 453 _ _ 5 1458 2517 _ Dover sole 402 4431 2049 _ 83 0 6965 23410 _ Petrale 124 678 237 _ 68 _ 1107 1095 _ English Sole 3 90 24 _ 71 0 188 10050 _ Arrowtooth Flounder 577 1503 96 _ 51 5 2232 9971 _ Remaining Flatfish 23 460 160 _ 44 3 690 4686 _ Tribal Sablefish _ _ _ _ 490 _ 490 535 _ NTW Primary Sable* 364 615 336 _ _ _ 1314 1549 _ NTW DTL Sable* 80 172 266 _ _ _ 517 706 _ Longspine (CP) _ _ 98 _ _ _ 98.1 363 _ Shortspine (CP) _ _ 225 _ _ _ 225 359 _ Sablefish (CP) _ _ 726 _ _ _ 726 1224 _ Pacific Cod 6 392 0 _ 226 0 624 1200 _ Lingcod 116 267 47 _ 48 0 478 _ _ Spiny Dogfish 78 135 0 _ 2 178 392 _ _ Widow Rockfish 32 118 3 _ 35 79 267 539 _ Darkblotched RCKFSH 15 70 6 _ 1 3 94.3 277 _ Canary rockfish 3 5 1 _ 7 0 15.8 87 _ POP (V&C&E) 17 30 0 _ 0 5 52.3 144 _ Yellowtail (V&C&E) 380 585 0 _ 414 43 1422 3872 _ Cabezon (V&C&E) _ 29 2 _ _ _ 30.5 48 _ UNSP RCKFSH (V&C&E) 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 .7 _ _ Yelloweye (V&C&E&M) 0 0 0 _ 0 _ .3 11.1 _ Black Rockfish, Nor. 0 96 20 _ 0 _ 116 _ _ Kelp Greenling, Nor. _ 19 1 _ _ _ 19.5 _ _ Near-shore RF, Nor. 0 19 5 _ 0 _ 24.4 99 _ Shelf rockfish, Nor. 3 34 1 _ 6 1 45.7 925 _ Slope rockfish, Nor. 81 174 9 _ 18 75 357 1092 _ TWL Bocaccio (MT&CP) _ _ 10 _ _ _ 9.6 60 _ NTW Bocaccio (MT&CP) _ _ 4 _ _ _ 3.6 190 _ Chilipepper (MT&CP) _ _ 238 _ _ _ 238 1774 _ Splitnose RF (MT&CP) _ _ 16 _ _ _ 15.6 1531 _ Cabezon (MT&CP) _ _ 29 _ _ _ 29.1 168 _ UNSP RCKFSH (MT&CP) _ _ 1 _ _ _ .6 _ _ Black Rockfish, So. _ _ 4 _ _ _ 4.2 1000 _ Kelp Greenling, So. _ _ 5 _ _ _ 4.5 _ _ CA Scorpionfish, So. _ _ 3 _ _ _ 3.3 124 _ N-S RF: Shallow, So. _ _ 45 _ _ _ 45.1 _ _ N-S RF: Deep, So. _ _ 36 _ _ _ 36 _ _ Shelf rockfish, So. _ _ 29 _ _ _ 29.2 701 _ Slope rockfish, So. _ _ 254 _ _ _ 254 599 _ Pacific Whiting 16679 48382 3 _ 403 93705 159172 135481 _ *Estimates Thru 15DEC 31DEC 29DEC 15DEC Hard Data Thru NOV12 DEC12 SEP12 NOV12 Dates for the sablefish primary fishery are 01-APR-2012 thru 31-OCT-2012 Hard data for this report was extracted from the PacFIN database on 01-FEB-2013. HG = Target Fishing Mortality Guideline The HGs are commercial (LE & OA) guidelines only, the anticipated recreational catches are not included on this report. * The WA tribal catches include both shoreside and at-sea landings. * The at-sea catch statistics are estimates of total non-tribal removals including discards. * The nontrawl (NTW) sablefish catch displayed on the Total Fleet report includes catches for both the limited entry and open access fisheries. * The values for NTW Primary Sable and NTW DTL Sable are limited to the V&C&E&M area. * The HG for Pacific Whiting is the total U.S. coastwide allocation. V&C&E = Nor. = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka INPFC areas combined. V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined. MT&CP = So. = Monterey and Conception INPFC areas combined. CP = Conception area.