PacFIN 05DEC94 08:34 Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Best Estimates* of 1994 Cumulative Shoreside Landed Catch (Metric Tons) 1994 1993 TOTALS Wash Ore Calif Total OY/HG THRU NOV THRU DEC Widow Rockfish 832 4204 832 5868 6500 7633 7726 Dover sole 987 3753 4121 8861 16900 14164 14324 Pacific Whiting 4913 64714 3605 73231 104000 42108 42108 Van&Col Sebastes 2627 6147 _ 8774 13240 10509 10863 V&C Yellowtail 1544 3043 _ 4587 4154 4278 Van & Col POP 325 607 _ 933 1300 1212 1258 V&C UNSP RCKFSH 378 83 _ 461 1374 1391 Columbia Dover 512 2669 _ 3181 5000 5578 5652 Van Yellowtail 794 704 _ 1498 1278 1316 Col Yellowtail 788 2339 _ 3128 2877 2962 V&NC Yellowtail 876 1703 _ 2579 4160 NULL NULL E&SC Yellowtail _ 1420 55 1475 2580 1269 1311 V&C&E&M TWL SABL 415 1976 1152 3543 3886 4565 4633 V&C&E&M NTW SABL 981 2005 621 3607 3114 3096 3099 V&C&E&M Sablefish 1396 3981 1773 7150 7000 7661 7733 C&E&M Thornyheads 226 3095 2758 6079 6440 6942 7074 E&M&C Bocaccio _ 8 845 852 1540 1206 1260 E&M&C SBTS+URCK _ 402 6205 6607 13040 7434 7823 *Estimates Thru 26NOV 26NOV 26NOV HARD DATA THRU SEP94 OCT94 JUL94 Hard data for this report was extracted from the PacFIN database on 18NOV94 *Nontrawl sablefish catch displayed on this report includes catches for both commercial and Tribal fisheries. The nontrawl sablefish Harvest guideline is 2814 metric tons and the Tribal sablefish Harvest guide- line is 300 metric tons. *Unspecified rockfish catches for the Vancouver and Columbia areas are not included in the catches for the various Vancouver and Columbia rockfish species on this report. Unspecified rockfish catches for these areas are apportioned when projections are made. V&C = Van&Col = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia INPFC areas combined V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined V&NC = U.S. Vancouver & No. Columbia (No. of Cape Falcon) areas combined E&SC = Eureka & So. Columbia (So. of Cape Falcon) areas combined C&E&M = Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined E&M&C = Eureka & Monterey & Conception INPFC areas combined SBTS+URCK = Sebastes Complex plus Unspecified Rockfish. Due to the large amount of rockfish catch classified as unspecified rockfish (primarily in the Monterey and Conception areas) SBTS+URCK is the best estimate of catch for Sebastes Complex for the E&M&C area.