PacFIN 13-MAY-96 08:38 Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Best Estimates* of 1996 Cumulative Shoreside Landed Catch (Metric Tons) 1996 1995 TOTALS Wash Ore Calif Total HG THRU APR THRU DEC Widow Rockfish 275 910 378 1563 6500 1494 6657 Dover sole 427 1518 2081 4026 11050 3333 10512 Pacific Whiting 3 5 869 877 212000 2881 74967 Lingcod 59 163 73 295 2400 272 1465 Longspine THDS 68 588 750 1406 6000 2128 5567 Shortspine THDS 38 183 213 434 1500 657 1719 V&C Sebastes 427 1422 _ 1849 11200 1666 7121 V&C Yellowtail 428 940 _ 1368 1063 4497 V&C Canary rckfsh 16 184 _ 200 850 138 617 Van & Col POP 62 162 _ 224 750 212 803 V&C UNSP RCKFSH 77 35 _ 112 92 713 Columbia Dover 92 765 _ 857 2850 836 2727 V&NC Yellowtail 341 547 _ 888 3590 874 3356 E&SC Yellowtail _ 398 15 413 2580 215 1197 V&C&E&M TWL SABL 85 478 402 965 3803 869 3620 V&C&E&M NTW SABL 11 6 203 220 3217 58 3112 E&M&C Bocaccio _ _ 193 193 1700 289 786 E&M&C SBTS+URCK _ 24 1940 1964 13200 2018 6571 *Estimates Thru 30APR 30APR 30APR HARD DATA THRU 2/96 3/96 12/95 Hard data for this report was extracted from PacFIN database on 26-APR-96. HG = Harvest Guideline The HG for Lingcod and Bocaccio includes a significant recreational component. The HG for Pacific Whiting is the total U.S. coastwide allocation. The nontrawl (NTW) sablefish catch displayed on this report includes catches for both the limited entry and open access fisheries. The nontrawl limited entry sablefish harvest guideline is 2754 metric tons and the open access sablefish harvest guideline is 463 metric tons. Starting in 1995 this non- trawl sablefish catch statistic no longer includes treaty Indian catch. V&C = Van&Col = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia INPFC areas combined V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined V&NC = U.S. Vancouver & No. Columbia (No. of Cape Lookout) areas combined E&SC = Eureka & So. Columbia (So. of Cape Lookout) areas combined E&M&C = Eureka & Monterey & Conception INPFC areas combined SBTS+URCK = Sebastes Complex plus Unspecified Rockfish. Due to the large amount of rockfish catch classified as unspecified rockfish (primarily in the Monterey and Conception areas) SBTS+URCK is the best estimate of catch for Sebastes Complex for the E&M&C area.