PacFIN 07-MAY-99 13:51 Pacific Council Groundfish Best Estimate Report Total Fleet Best Estimates* of 1999 Cumulative Shoreside Commercial Landed Catch. Catch values are in Metric-tons 1999 1998 TOTALS Wash Ore Calif Total OY THRU APR THRU DEC Dover sole 361 1706 1431 3498 8955 2112 7982 Longspine THDS 13 214 407 634 3733 533 2265 Shortspine THDS 16 111 158 285 805 288 1197 TWL Sable (V&C&E&M) 48 416 403 867 3475 424 2050 NTW Sable (V&C&E&M) 10 3 40 53 2940 35 1634 Sablefish Conception _ _ 118 118 35 201 Lingcod 5 32 22 59 356 95 348 Pac. Ocean Perch V&C 26 71 _ 97 500 149 586 Widow Rockfish 307 1140 287 1734 3962 674 3827 Sebastes Complex V&C 180 635 _ 815 4588 1024 4697 Yellowtail V&C 145 336 _ 481 2407 387 2205 Canary rockfish V&C 8 66 _ 74 689 210 776 V&C UNSP RCKFSH 32 1 _ 33 62 409 Sebastes So. (E&M&C) _ 23 310 333 1396 1133 4095 Chilipepper (E&M&C) _ _ 327 327 3651 472 1268 Splitnose RF (E&M&C) _ _ 85 85 729 535 1266 SBTS+URCK (E&M&C) _ 23 722 745 2140 6629 Bocaccio (E&M&C) _ _ 27 27 150 33 135 Pacific Whiting _ 5 6 11 1921 87861 *Estimates Thru 30APR 30APR 30APR HARD DATA THRU 2/99 3/99 1/99 Hard data for this report was extracted from PacFIN database on 26-APR-99. OY = Optimum Yield The OYs are commercial (LE and OA) guidelines only, the anticipated recreational catches are not included here. The OY for Pacific Whiting is the total U.S. coastwide shoreside allocation. The nontrawl (NTW) sablefish catch displayed on this report includes catches for both the limited entry and open access fisheries. The nontrawl limited- entry sablefish harvest guideline is 2517 metric tons and the open-access sablefish harvest guideline is 423 metric tons. Starting in 1995 this non-trawl sablefish catch statistic no longer includes treaty Indian catch. V&C = Van&Col = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia INPFC areas combined V&C&E&M = U.S. Vancouver & Columbia & Eureka & Monterey INPFC areas combined E&M&C = Eureka & Monterey & Conception INPFC areas combined Sebastes Complex includes all sebastes spp. except widow rockfish, POP, shortbelly rockfish. Thornyheads are also excluded. SBTS+URCK = Sebastes Complex plus Unspecified Rockfish. Due to the large amount of rockfish catch classified as unspecified rockfish (primarily in the Monterey and Conception areas) SBTS+URCK is the best estimate of catch for Sebastes Complex for the E&M&C area. Sebastes So. includes all sebastes spp. except widow rockfish, POP, shortbelly rockfish, chilipepper, and splitnose rockfish. Thornyheads are also excluded.