PacFIN - Table Descriptions

This page shows tables available in the PacFIN database. For descriptions of fields included in a specific table, Click on the table name to go to the column description webpage.

aar Agency/PacFIN area relationship data
acm Catch-by-area proportions data
ag PacFIN agency_ids and attributes
agr Agency/PacFIN gear relationship data
apc Agency/PacFIN processor relationship data
apr Agency/PacFIN port relationship data
ar PacFIN area-ids and attributes data
asp Agency/PacFIN species-id relationship data
bds_ag Biological data samples including agency to sample agency id mapping information
bds_age Biological data samples ages (many to 1 with fish)
bds_age_code Biological data samples age codes
bds_age_struct Biological data samples age structure codes
bds_ar Biological data samples including agency to PacFIN area code mapping information
bds_cluster Biological data samples including data clusters (many to 1 with samples)
bds_cond Biological data samples catch condition codes
bds_df_acl Biological data samples including datafeed and agency code list information
bds_df_report Biological data samples datafeed report records (most recent)
bds_df_warning Biological data samples datafeed warnings (most recent)
bds_disp Biological data samples catch disposition codes
bds_fish Biological data samples fish data (many to 1 with clusters)
bds_gr Biological data samples including agency to PacFIN gear code mapping information
bds_maturity Biological data samples maturity codes
bds_pr Biological data samples with agency to PacFIN port code mapping information
bds_sample Biological data samples with sample information
bds_sample_odfw Biological data samples with sample information columns specific to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
bds_sex Biological data samples fish sex codes
bds_sp Biological data samples with agency to PacFIN species code mapping information
bds_ul Biological data samples datafeed update log
bds_units_conversion Biological data samples unit of measure conversion factors information
block_pos Center position of fishing area blocks
cg Coast Guard vessels data
cl Code list data
cnty PacFIN county ids and attributes data
cnty_region PacFIN county region identifiers and description information
cor_gear Corrected gear information (Columns are identical to fish ticket lines (FTL) table with additional columns cor_gear, and rule.
dc Detailed catch data
de Detailed effort data
dl Detailed update log information
ft Fish ticket data
ftl Fish ticket line data
fusport Total commercial landings by port. (Table includes catch for all species by all management groups, shellfish and treaty-Indian catch from all catch areas including Puget Sound, Alaska ocean areas, the Columbia River, and Washington coastal rivers.)
gr PacFIN gear-ids and attributes data
lbk_catch Trawl logbook catch records
lbk_ftid Matches fish ticket ids to logbooks
lbk_gr Logbook gear/net-type codes
lbk_pr Logbook port codes
lbk_sp Logbook species codes
lbk_strategy Logbook strategy codes
lbk_tow Logbook trawl tow information
lbk_trip Logbook trawl trip information
lbk_ul Logbook update log
LE_grnd_cnts Non-confidential summary fish-ticket data containing one record for each limited entry (LE) vessel, management group (MGRP), gear id (GRID), port id (PCID) and permit-list combination
LE_grnd_tkts Selected non-confidential fish-ticket data for each fish-ticket per limited-entry (LE) vessel landing groundfish caught in the Pacfic Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
lep_app Information regarding vessels that appealed the denial of a limited entry groundfish permit
lep_status Limited entry permit status
lep_type Limited entry permit type
npac4900 Daily summaries for the Washington, Oregon, California (W-O-C) at-sea fishery summarized from the NORPAC database tow-by-tow observations
nv Information for non-vessels used in fish ticket transactions
nwr_lep_src Limited entry permits source data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Northwest Region (NWR) Permit Office
ok_gear Fish ticket lines (ftl) which should not be corrected by the gear correction algorithm (columns as in ftl).
omibbfee Vessel summaries for verifying fee collections for the 2003 vessel buy-back project. (For NMFS Office of Operations Management and Information)
pc PacFIN codes for ports, port groups, regions, subregions, counties, joint-ventures (1981-1990), and foreign countries (1981-1988).
prin_cmplx All vessels (and only vessels) registered to land marine species in Washington, Oregon and California (W-O-C) ports. This includes catch from all areas including Puget Sound, Columbia River, and Alaska.
prmt_own Washington, Oregon and California (W-O-C) permit owner information
prmtdesc Washington, Oregon and California (W-O-C) permit attributes
qar Area ids for quota species monitoring (QSM) reported catches
qdisp Quota species monitoring (QSM) data to identify category of fish on various QSM reports
qdpar Quota species monitoring (QSM) date parameters
qhg Quota species monitoring (QSM) harvest guideline data
qovrd Quota species monitoring (QSM) correction factors (CF) override data
qpc Quota species monitoring (QSM) port id data
qprompts Prompt data for quota species monitoring (QSM) data entry
qrc Quota species monitoring (QSM) reported catches data
qsc Subset of summary catch used in quota species monitoring (QSM) subsystem
qscsp Species id used in quota species monitoring (QSM) and summary catch
qsp Species id and gear id for entering quota species monitoring (QSM) reported catches
qti Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) treaty Indian sablefish (SABL) catch data
sc Summary catch data
sc_le_oa Summary catch data for limited entry and open access fleets. Used in Quota Species Monitoring (QSM) subsystem.
scm Species composition data
scm_history History of all species composition data supplied by Washington, Oregon and California (W-O-C) state agencies.
se Summary effort data
sp PacFIN species-id and attributes
strategy PacFIN strategy codes
sum_fous2 Summary table for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) - DC Fishery Statistics Division F/ST1. Applications include: Fisheries of the U.S. NMFS/ST1 Internet home page
sum_nmfs_st1 Summary table for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) - DC Fishery Statistics Division F/ST1. Table contains canadian vessel landings
sv State agency vessel registration records, including vessel-ids and other attributes
tkprmtlst Combines the Northwest Region limited entry permit source (nwr_lep_src) and fish ticket line (ftl) tables. Produced by program prod/refresh_tkprmtlst.sql.
tpy Contains yearly trip-principal vessel summary data generated from the build_vsums program. (The summations in this table are derived solely from the fish ticket (ft) and fish ticket line (ftl) Oracle data tables. Re-assignment to catch-area and species using catch by area proportions (acm), and species composition (scm) is not included in these summations. Note: Aquaculture has been excluded.)
ul Log of all database updates
vdrfd The relationship between vessels, tickets, date-of-landing, permit(s), fish-ticket category, and post-distribution species id code. (Produced by program prod/refresh_vdrfd.sql.)
ves_sctr Relationship between vessels and vessel sectors where vessel sectors are defined in the code list (cl) table. (Produced by program prod/refresh_ves_sctr.sql.)
ves_sctr_principal Relationship between vessels and principal sectors. (Produced by program prod/refresh_ves_sctr.sql and derived from the vessel sector (ves_sctr) table. This table differs from ves_sctr in that it is a cross-tablulation of ves_sctr. Vessel sectors are defined in the code list (cl) table. Vessel sectors are prioritized and not mutually exclusive where the lowest sector number has the highest priority.)
vescnt Vessel summary data generated from the refresh_vescnt.sql script.
vesgrprd Vessel-Gear-Time-Period data (Contains one entry for each unique combination by year, vessel, and gear used. This table is populated/maintained by routine insert_vesgrprd.sql)
vesportgr Vessel-Port-Gear data (Contains one entry for each unique combination for year, vessel, agency, port. This table is populated/maintained by routine insert_vesportgr.sql. The data in table_vesportgr is derived from data in tables: fish tickets (ft), fish ticket lines (ftl), Coast Guard (cg), state vessel (sv), yearly trip principle vessel summary (TPY), and ageny port relations (apr) tables)
vfcmrfd Monthly vessel summaries with rockfish distributed per fish ticket category. (Generated using the refresh_vfcmrfd program. The summations in this table have been developed using the fish ticket (ft), fish ticket lines (ftl), ticket permit list (tkprmtlst), catch by area proportion (acm), and species composition (scm) tables/views.)
vsy Yearly vessel summary data generated from the build_vsums program. (The summations in this table are derived solely from the fish ticket (ft) and fish ticket line (ftl) data tables. Re-assignment to catch-area and species using catch by area proportions (acm), and species composition (scm) proportions is not included in these summations. Note: Aquaculture has been excluded.)
wocprmt Washington, Oregon and California (W-O-C) permit data