Frequently Asked Questions

How often is data in PacFIN updated?

Data in PacFIN is updated based on when we receive datafeeds from our data providers. Data can be updated on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis. The date at the top of each report tells you when that report was last generated. However, data can be updated at anytime if the data providers deem it necessary. Listed below are common frequencies for datafeeds.

What does nominal (nom.) mean with regards to fish species?

The nom. abbreviation refers to nominal. It is used when the catch has not been fully sorted to species. If say, Nom. Canary (CNR1) is used, it means the catch is primarily Canary, but there are a few other species in the mix. Initially, we get nominal data from fish tickets. Species and area proportions from port sampling are applied to some nominal catch to distribute the catch weight across actual species identifiers and the nominal catch amount decreases. Generally when working with the data, most folks use the species plus nom. species for total species (For example CNRY+CNR1 = Total Canary). There may also be discard catch included in the nom. category, however this is less common.

What does a blank mean on reports?

A blank in a report means that there is no data for that column/row.

What does a 0 (zero) mean on reports?

When a zero appears on a report, it means that there is catch for that species, however there is less than .1 metric tons of catch

How do I cite PacFIN data?

The following is a standard method of citing data obtained from the PacFIN system:

   “Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN) report #____,
   dated ________, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission,
   Portland, Oregon (”

If the data was obtained using some method other than one of the
standard reports, then the "report #____" should be replaced by "retrieval":

   “Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN) retrieval dated _______,
   Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Portland, Oregon (”

Where does PacFIN data come from?

PacFIN receives data from the following data providers.