Niels Leuthold

Dec 262018

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has released a notice with important information on year end items and on the start of the 2019 season. Of particular interest are the allocations, compliance guide and instructions on what to do if there is a government shutdown. Please see Link 1 or Link 2.


Dec 132018

The final rule for West Coast groundfish harvest specifications and management measure has been released by NOAA Fisheries. For additional details please visit link or link .

Nov 292018

Server maintenance has been completed. Please contact staff if you have any questions or issues.


AKFIN, PacFIN and RecFIN staff

Nov 282018

The AKFIN, PacFIN and RecFIN databases will be taken offline around 7:00 AM PST on 11/29/2018 to perform server maintenance. We expect the system will be back up around 9:00 AM PST, but in the event of complications, the databases may not be up until noon.

Oct 092018

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announced 4 changes to the groundfish fishery. They are

  1. an increase in sablefish trip limits for limited entry fixed gear north of  36° N latitude, and for open access fixed gear
  2. an increase in bocaccio trip limits for limited entry fixed gear between 40°10′ N latitude and 34°27′ N latitude 
  3. moving set-asides for Pacific Ocean Perch (POP) and darkblotched rockfish from incidental open access to the appropriate sectors to account for unforseen catch
  4. an increase in incidental halibut retention limits for the fixed gear limited entry sablefish primary fishery

Please see link 1 or link 2 for further information.

Sep 242018

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), in consultation with tribal fisheries managers, is moving 40,000 metric tons allocated to the tribal sector to the non-tribal commercial sector. The updated allocations are:

  • Tribal: 37,251 mt
  • Catcher/processor: 136,912 mt
  • Mothership: 96,644 mt
  • Shorebased: 169,127 mt

Please see link 1 or link 2 for further information.