Niels Leuthold

Sep 112018

The National Marine Fisheries service (NMFS) is seeking comments on rule changes for bottom and midwater trawl gear for vessels participating in the trawl rationalization plan

The proposed changes would alter multiple restriction on net configuration, change gear location restrictions and alter regulations that affect operations on a single trip. The proposed changes can be found here and comments can be left here.

May 302018

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is requesting industry assistance to minimize sablefish bycatch in the at-sea whiting fishery. Areas north of 36° N. latitude are at greater than half of their set aside for 2018. The current set aside is 50 metric tons (mt), and the at-sea sector has landed ~ 26 mt of sablefish.

Please see here or here for further details.

Announcement # NMFS-SEA-18-11

May 142018

NMFS has released the 2018 harvest specifications and allocations for Pacific whiting.

  • Tribal Allocation:                                77,251 mt
  • Research and Bycatch set-aside:       1,500 mt
  • Harvest Guideline (HG):                362,682 mt

Allocation of the HG are as follows :

  • Catcher/Processor Coop Program:      123,312 mt (34%)
  • Mothership Coop Program:                   87,044 mt (24%)
  • Shorebased IFQ Program:                    152,327 mt (42%)

The final rule was published on May 15th, 2018 (Link).

Jan 232018

The Apex reporting system was recently upgraded and redesigned. You can view the reports using the ‘APEX Reporting System’ links in the quick links section or in the data menu. You can also click this link to be taken there. Please contact PacFIN staff if you have any questions or concerns about the reports.

Jan 052018

On December 28th, 2017 software on the PacFIN servers was upgraded. Please let us know if you detect any issues or have questions.