Niels Leuthold

Dec 202017

The PacFIN servers will be undergoing system maintenance and upgrades on December 28th. Servers will be taken offline around 3 AM PST and work is expected to be done by 2 PM PST. During this time our main webpage will be available, but the database, Answers and APEX will be unavailable. We will send out an email once the maintenance and upgrades have been completed.

After completion of the upgrades please inform us if you experience any unexpected behavior from any of the systems. 

Oct 172017

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has announced multiple inseason adjustments for groundfish.

For commercial fisheries

  • The increases daily trip limits for limited entry fixed gear (LEFG) and open access (OA) sablefish north of 36° N lat
  • NMFS is clarying that the lingcod size limits south of 42° N lat. are 24 inches and north of 42° N lat the size limit is 22 inches for the shorebased IFQ fishery

For recreational fisheries

  • Higher than expected recreational harvest of yelloweye rockfish have resulted in NMFS implementing depth restrictions.

Please see the announcement for further details (website, document)

Sep 152017

Effective noon on September, 15th, the National Marine Fisheries Service is reapportioning 41,000 mt from the Pacific whiting tribal allocation to the commercial sectors (see announcement or website). The new allocations are

  • Tribal:  36,251 mt
  • Catcher/processor:  137,252 mt
  • Mothership:  96,884 mt
  • Shorebased:  169,547 mt


Aug 312017

Effective August 30th at 8pm, the National Marine Fisheries Service has transfereed 47 mt of widow rockfish allocation from the mothership sector to the catcher/processor sector of the Pacific whiting fishery. The revised widow rockfish allocations for the Pacific Whiting fishery are:

  • Cather/Processor Sector        458.2 mt
  • Mothership Sector                   243.3 mt
  • Shorebased IFQ                       508.0 mt

Additional details will be available at 

May 082017

NMFS has released the 2016 harvest specifications and allocations for Pacific whiting.

  • Tribal Allocation:                                77,251 mt
  • Research and Bycatch set-aside:       1,500 mt
  • Harvest Guideline (HG):                362,682 mt

Allocation of the HG are as follows :

  • Catcher/Processor Coop Program:      123,312 mt (34%)
  • Mothership Coop Program:                   87,044 mt (24%)
  • Shorebased IFQ Program:                    152,327 mt (42%)

The final rule was published on May 8th, 2017 (Link).